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Tuesdays 7:15-8:45pm.

Join us for 8 of the 12 week course in aerial Silks - thorough warm up, aerial conditioning, tricks & transitions on silks, cool down.

3rd January to 28th March (no class 14th February).
For ages 16+.
To join this class you must be able to consistently get into foot lock, hip lock and catchers from a climb.

Silks Intermediate / Advanced 8 Drop-ins

  • The Hollyfield School Gym, Surbiton, Surrey.

    Please enter via the student entrance on Lambert's Road, KT5 8AA.

    Parking is available. Please turn immediately left upon entering the Lambert's Road gate.

    Surbiton rail station is a five minute walk away (20 minutes from London Waterloo).

    Changing rooms are adjacent to the gym.

    Please bring a bottle of water as there are no drinks for sale. Bottles can be re-filled at the water fountain just outside the gym building.

    No food to be consumed in the gym.

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